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Javier Quiroz Coffee Stories

Javier Quiroz

Javier Quiroz’s coffee journey starts from humble beginnings: as a broke college student. He was searching for a job in order to pay for his studies in economics while fulfilling his desire to learn about the coffee industry in Mexico. Fortunately, he found a job as a barista apprentice in…
Emma Niro
March 3, 2023
Younes Salehi Coffee Stories

Younes Salehi

Iranian barista and roaster, Younes Salehi, was drawn to coffee at a young age. His dive into the coffee industry began when he was just 19 years old. Today, he is a researcher at Flexibar Machines which produces handcrafted coffee bar equipment. With 10 years under his belt, Younes hopes…
Nathierah Fredericks
February 27, 2023
Kevin Kaunang Coffee Stories

Kevin Kaunang

Over and over again, we focus on how coffee enthusiasts and daily drinkers need to value the service received from baristas and everyone else on the coffee chain. What if the spotlight is on the coffee shop itself? From its management and how it is run to improving the livelihood…
Oluwatobifunmi Olaniran
February 17, 2023
Julia Behlendorf Coffee Stories

Julia Behlendorf

How Do You Spell “Community?”  C-O-F-F-E-E:  How Julia Behlendorf Discovered That a Career in Coffee is Not About Commission and Pay but Connection and Purpose “I’m trying every day to appreciate each cup of coffee - paying attention to a perfect brew, serving with a smile…” Julia Behlendorf is cupping…
Kenyatta Fishoe
January 20, 2023
Süeda Emir Coffee Stories

Süeda Emir

Gastronomy is the study of food and culture, the skill of preparing and serving rich or delicate and attractive cuisine, regional cooking methods, and the science of excellent eating. How does this relate to coffee? This is  Süeda Emir’s coffee story. Süeda Emir is using Aeropress This is the story…
Oluwatobifunmi Olaniran
January 17, 2023
Petros Malousis Petros MalousisCoffee Stories

Petros Malousis

Last year, we interviewed Petros Malousis, the operational manager of Coffee Lab and he shared with us his spectacular journey from a barista to where he is now. We hope his story can give baristas some tips about their own careers. There are a lot of variables when following your…
Dolly Zhao
January 5, 2023
André Eiermann Coffee Stories

André Eiermann

The first time André Eiermann had his first cup of coffee was during the interview for a Junior Coffee Trader position. After the interview, André was convinced that coffee was his destiny. On the hunt for an adventure, he was especially interested in traveling to the various origins of coffee.…
Nathierah Fredericks
September 30, 2022
Fabienne Braun Coffee Stories

Fabienne Braun

Fabienne Braun was fortunate enough to get acquainted with coffee culture from all around the world. At the age of fifteen, she took on an apprenticeship as an optician and became knowledgeable in the “psychology of retail.” Fabienne Braun Little did Fabienne realize that, while she was being entranced by cafes…
Emma Niro
September 26, 2022