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Playlist by I´M NOT A BARISTA

Make music a part of your brewing experience -this irresistible Spotify playlist will absolutely change the way your coffee tastes!

We are a diverse community that is connected through our passion for coffee But what if we say that we can connect on an entirely new basis? Would you be up for it? We know that each individual’s taste in music varies just like their taste in coffee – some like ethnic house, whereas some prefer to have it smoky.  For this reason, we need your help! We believe that the coffee community appreciates exploring new songs and unearthing different pieces of themselves in the tunes in the same vein as discovering fresh flavours of coffee.

So, we aim to create an assorted Spotify playlist which the coffee community will relish whenever they brew coffee, have a lovely chat over coffee or even when they are cosied up in a corner with their cup of coffee! Please do share with us your go to songs you listen to with a cup of coffee so that we can create our collaborative coffee community playlist! Let’s solidify our link with each other and connect on an entirely different level.

Can’t wait to discover what kind of music you listen to while brewing coffee. Please don’t forget to follow and share the playlist with loved ones you think would love!

PS. We strongly believe that if you have missed sitting down in coffee shops and discovering new beats whilst enjoying your coffee and if you interested in exploring the songs coffee lovers listen to while brewing their coffee. Then this Spotify playlist is your match made in heaven!

NOW Click play and get the tunes blaring! or Click share and send us your favourite songs!

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