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MOMENTEM™ is a call-to-action for the manual grinding industry to realize the potential of coffee engineering innovation.

Ready to Begin Your Journey with MOMENTEM?

Welcome to the future of coffee grinding with I’M NOT A BARISTA. We are thrilled to open our doors to passionate businesses eager to spread the excellence of the MOMENTEM dual-burr grinder. As innovators in the coffee industry, we offer a unique opportunity to our partners – not just to sell a product but to be part of a movement that’s redefining the coffee experience globally. Join us in this exciting venture, where design, innovation, community, and a deep love for coffee come together to create something extraordinary.

Now that you’ve glimpsed the potential of partnering with us, let’s make it official. Please fill out the application form below to express your interest in becoming a I’MNAB partner. It’s a simple process – just share a few details about yourself and your business. We’re eager to learn more about you and explore how we can succeed together in the coffee world. Let’s brew a stronger future together – one grinder at a time.

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address of your business website

Please choose the amount of hand grinders you sold during in 2023

Please enter the amount