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One week One barista One story 100 dollars

Join us for this 48-week charity journey, and empower people behind the cup together.
Project name
Project time

Sep 2021- Sep 2022

  • $4800 donations
  • 48 baristas
  • 48 coffee stories

One week, one barista, one story, one hundred dollars.

Tipping a barista is common practice in many countries, in others, it isn’t.  There are baristas that are paid a fair wage. However, that is not always the case, and in most (or some) places, they rely heavily on tips as a main income. In that case, a tip becomes much more than just a small amount of money. At the end of the day, it’s what allows any barista to continue working on their passion and what allows us to keep having them preparing our cups with dedication. At I’M NOT A BARISTA, we know and recognise their worth as humans behind their job. Baristas deserve more, and we aim to raise as much as we can for them.

Why are we doing this

We are doing this for baristas to thank them for their continued work and perseverance in these difficult times. We hope to offer $100 each week, in funds raised, to baristas that could benefit from the financial help. As previously stated, this donation would be allocated to individuals who apply based on a certain number of criteria and their adherence to it. Following this, we would share a coffee story or their experience within the coffee world. This would allow donors to see the direct impact of their purchase, and perhaps encourage them to share their positive feelings about our products and mission. We also hope to start a general trend of showing appreciation to baristas and using the hashtag to spread the word of a good deed. We are doing this now because like so many others, baristas have struggled through this pandemic, we believe they deserve to be recognised. 

Our Journey

January 2020
March 2020
Initiated the #brewathome campaign
April 2021
Launched Brewing Guide project on Kickstarter and raised $2000 goal
September 2021
Launch #Tipabarista charity project

We select a barista every week according to our application criteria, positive contribution to the coffee community, and/or experienced baristas in financial needs. We share their coffee stories and provide them with $100 tips for rewarding their valuable and achievement or support any financial hardships caused by the pandemic. The project is due to occur over forty-eight weeks in the hopes of motivating baristas and alleviating financial difficulties. We hope that this initiative will become a catalyst for greater action, inspiring coffee fans worldwide and anyone else we can reach to tip their local, or favourite, barista

This is not only a way to influence the public to tip their baristas, but also a way to show our appreciation and give back to the coffee community. Being a barista is wrongfully perceived as an easy job, but the effort that goes into making your daily beverage is far more than that. Because we sell our products in bundles with local coffees, we would like to invite any coffee roasters who identify with our mission to contact us about collaborating. We are a global community, and at our most powerful when we are all together.

We built an evaluation system that aims at giving us a direction when choosing the best candidate to whom we will donate. There are two factors we will take into considerations.

1. have a positive contribution to the coffee community,
for example, being a great barista who is always helping and friendly to customers, willing to share coffee knowledge to customers and colleagues. 

2. have real financial needs,
for example, baristas from developing countries with low income, 

We hope to use our profit from the brewing guide to make a real impact, reward to motivate baristas to continue following their passion and making a positive impact on the coffee community, or help baristas in need and release their financial stress. 

We are a huge community, it is thanks to all of you if we are able today to help all these baristas. This is why each week, you will be introduced on our social media to a new barista. You will have the chance to get to know the real people behind the cup and let us know why you believe they are worthy of a donation.

Are you ready?


Data Privacy: How will we handle your information?

I’M NOT A BARISTA will be following appropriate procedures in handling and processing personal data from all those who apply for the donation.

As an organisation, we will be complying with the regulation that addresses how data should be handled by organisations and charities in the EU: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law, which was implemented in 2018.

The principles of GDPR are:

  • Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency – All personal data will be collected fairly and lawfully through a fill-in-form on our website. 
  • Purpose Limitation – Personal data will be used merely for donation purposes, as per “1 barista, 1 week, 1 donation” rules.
  • Integrity and Confidentiality – Any personal data collected will not be shared with anyone outside the organisation.
  • Data Minimisation – I’M NOT A BARISTA aims to collect as little data as possible, retaining only what is strictly necessary for the final selection of our donation candidates. All data collected and stored will be adequate, relevant, and limited to our “1 barista, 1 week, 1 donation” campaign purpose. 
  • Storage Limitation – I’M NOT A BARISTA will not store the personal data of individuals longer than is necessary. Periodic reviews will be undertaken to identify and delete data that’s redundant. 
  • Data Accuracy – We will take every step necessary to ensure that the personal data of applicants is accurate, and won’t hesitate to delete or rectify it if inaccurate. 

Whether a collaboration with a third party is established for fundraising purposes, the public has the right to assume that any sensitive data to be provided by the donations’ possible recipients is held only by I’M NOT A BARISTA and not by the third party.

In the process of collection of data, I’M NOT A BARISTA does not discriminate against gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and race. 

Transparency: where is the money coming from?

We started the Kickstarter campaign on April 8, 2021, and then moved on to Indiegogo in May with the aim of beginning a year-long campaign. The funds came from the project backers, who supported us by purchasing the Brewing Guide both on Kickstarter and on Indiegogo. Our first aim was to help 48 baristas for a total of $4800 split into 100$ for each barista each week. The money collected is not only coming from private backers, but also from our Indiegogo charity partners.

Check here for more info fo Brewing Guide Project  

Evaluation: What factors do we take into consideration?

We recognise that everyone is worthy of a $100 donation but we are also aware that in some areas more needs to be done to protect the vulnerable. We strive to always offer aid to any person who needs it, especially if they are individuals belonging to protected classes by race, colour, gender, national origin, age, physical or mental instability, veteran status, genetic information and/or citizenship.

Donation: What is the maximum amount of donation?

The standard of the donation will be $100 for one barista each week.

With a total budget of $4800, we decided to make smaller donations to help and motivate more baristas in need. Because we value our supporters’ suggestions, we asked our community to give a preference. The poll result shows that our stakeholders prefer small donations to more baristas than a large number of donations to a few baristas. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Donation: How long will it take to receive the donation?

Depending on your bank account and the country you live in, it usually takes from 2 up to 7 working days.

Donation: I applied for the donation but I haven’t received it. what should I do?

The money will be sent through bank transfer to all the baristas in need that we have decided to help based on their application. The donation should be completed within 2-7 working days, but many factors could influence the full process, such as the receiver’s bank standards and the country the money is being sent to.

If you are a barista who asked for help but didn’t fit into the requirements we looked for, please feel free to contact our customer service at:

What is not-for-profit organisation?

“Not-for-profit organisation” is a term for all independent organisations whose purpose is something other than to make private profit for directors, members or shareholders. As a not-for-profit organisation, we make profit both through donations and through sale of products/goods. We are run by volunteers, meaning no member of the organisation receives any profit from the selling of products or from the donations. Everything is reinvested in projects, charity, production, office expenses and administration.