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Thank you, partners.

Thank you to all our charity partners! Our achievements together have been made possible thanks to the many partners we have worked with since 2022. Together, we have helped your local coffee community through small donations and support, and most importantly, we have given them hope. As we look forward to working with you in the long term, we would like to thank everyone who has been part of this journey so far.

Who are the ideal donees?

I reached my funding goal, but I don't know whom to help.

Congratulations, great job.

This could happen; sometimes, we don’t know the coffee people around us that well, and someone may not feel comfortable sharing their lives with us. If this is the case, you can always transfer the money back to us; we will use our funds together with ours to help someone in need.

I am too busy to continue supporting the project, what to do?

How do we set the charity wristband price of our partner?

Can we create new wristbands?

I need some photos and videos, where can I find them?