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Ronita Dragomir

Head Barista, Coffee writer, Co-editor of CoffeeBreak

Simone Guidi Coffee Stories

Simone Guidi

Simone Guidi’s story began back in 2010 when he was working as a bartender and had a customer who asked him for a cappuccino. It was then, he admits, that he realised he had no idea what that actually meant so he started looking into everything that could help him…
Ronita Dragomir
July 7, 2020
Smayah Uwajeneza Coffee Stories

Smayah Uwajeneza

Recently we talked to Smayah Uwajeneza, the ‘18 East Africa Aeropress champion. Regarding the current global BLM, Smayah has her own thoughts about it. As a hardworking barista from Rwanda Africa, her coffee journey definitely inspires many coffee professionals.  "We need more visibility, we need more platform created for people…
Ronita Dragomir
July 1, 2020
Ariele Guaschino Coffee Stories

Ariele Guaschino

Ariele Guaschino is a multi-talented coffee man. Being Italian and living in Milan he thought it would be a good idea to found a café that only served specialty coffees; and that’s exactly what he has been doing ever since 2014. However this is not Ariele’s only job as he…
Ronita Dragomir
June 8, 2020
Mahsa Niyayesh Coffee Stories

Mahsa Niyayesh

“For more than a century, Iranian women have worked for change and fought for their freedom. Under the system in place in the Islamic Republic, however, they continue to face systematic, widespread legal discrimination. The law does not treat them as equal citizens in matters of crime and punishment, individual freedom…
Ronita Dragomir
June 1, 2020
Daniel Horbat Coffee Stories

Daniel Horbat

When we talk about commitment and discipline, people outside of the specialty coffee community wouldn’t think these are qualities necessarily attributed to coffee professionals. But it is precise because of such intensity and desire to know more, learn more, DO better, BE better – than some of those pros end…
Ronita Dragomir
May 25, 2020
Ronaldo Hurtado Coffee Stories

Ronaldo Hurtado

How weird that some of us don’t know how much we’re going to love coffee even if you grow up in favourable surroundings. Of course, family background isn’t enough. To be really good at something, you need to put in the work: learn, train, and focus on what it is…
Ronita Dragomir
May 11, 2020
Massimiliano Mattone Coffee Stories

Massimiliano Mattone

This is Massimiliano Mattone’s coffee story. Adaptability is the key to success. Well, maybe not the key, but you could say it definitely deserves to be in the top 3 of successful tools to have at hand. Especially nowadays, when everything’s gloomy and uncertainty reigns in the world, it helps…
Ronita Dragomir
May 1, 2020
Rob Clarijs Coffee Stories

Rob Clarijs

The world can sometimes seem scary, especially lately, on that I'm sure we can all agree. So finding inspiration and courage might sound challenging. It isn't really. The trick is to look around you. There's so many people out there SAME. AS. YOU. And all it takes is the courage…
Ronita Dragomir
April 25, 2020