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Şahin Demirbaş Barista StoryCoffee Stories

Şahin Demirbaş

Everyone has a particular object in their lives that holds a lot of meaning for them. For some, it may be something that a loved one gave them, or a special item that commemorates a special day.For Şahin Demirbaş, it was a French press. Şahin Demirbaş is preparing coffee latte…
Paul Wong
December 18, 2020
Asli Yalcn Coffee StoriesTop Coffee Stories in 2020

Asli Yalcn

Asli Yalcn got her first taste of specialty coffee in 2013, which was shared with her by her cousin Faith. She immediately fell in love and said that she wasn't sure it was coffee at all. For many specialty coffee drinkers, myself included. This is how we discover the world of…
August 11, 2020
Stathis Koremtas Coffee Stories

Stathis Koremtas

My name is Stathis Koremtas and this is my coffee story I started working in local coffee shops in 2003 just after I graduated high school, to support myself during my time at university. I kept working as a barista for some time after my graduation as I was looking…
Maja Wisniewska
April 12, 2020
Valentina Palange Coffee Stories

Valentina Palange

" I'm a coffee blogger in Milan Italy, and dream is to spread and drive the specialty coffee culture growth in Italy and talk about coffee all my life." Il mio nome è Valentina Palange e questa è la mia coffee storia! Sono una una blogger  - mi piace dire…
February 12, 2020