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Coffee Stories

Anish Kale

By December 7, 2020May 18th, 2022No Comments2 min read

Not everyone holds a special, fond memory over their first cup of coffee. For some of us, it was just another cup of ‘alright. However, this was not the case for Anish Kale.

Anish Kale

Anish Kale

Anish Kale's coffee art

Coffee Art by Anish Kale. However, even during these difficult times where things aren’t what they used to be, you can still invest some time into the coffee industry! Whether you’re a barista, an enthusiast or just someone interested in learning more about coffee, Anish gave some sage advice about better understanding the industry:

“Go visit cafes around you, observe the place as if you are working there.”

And, if it is your goal to enter the wonderful world of coffee, training as a barista is a fantastic place to start. Anish believes that you can develop your career from this starting point and make connections with amazing people in the industry. It is clear that Anish’s love for coffee has taken him to some incredible points in his life, and it is his wish to continue on his journey. He feels that coffee is his way of learning, of meeting people. It is his passion, his art, and his story. It is Anish’s one true goal to spread his love for coffee to the people around him and develop his skills as both a barista and a coffee artist. He wants to play a role in teaching the people of India about speciality coffee and all its incredible elements. We’re excited to hear more stories from him in the future!

Katie Rees

Katie is a Content Writer · Public Relations Intern · Public Relations Assistant · Marketing Communications Intern · Social Media Marketing Intern based in Wales England.