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#TIPABARISTA just shared another $100 tip to a barista

By October 20, 2021May 15th, 2022No Comments2 min read

Recently I’M NOT A BARISTA shared another $100 to Ronaldo Hurtado through the #TIPABARISTA program. Ronaldo Hurtado has been involved in coffee since birth. He spent his childhood growing up among the coffee trees on his family’s farm in Colombia and his daily chores included harvested, processing, and drying the coffee he grew. It’s no surprise that he went into Biotechnology and coffee research as a career, working at one of the first educational coffee labs in the National Learning Service of Colombia as a researcher focused on improving the quality of coffees in the region. 

His project this year is to move to his family’s farm, where they’ve been growing coffee for over 45 years – but it’s a big endeavour. He plans to rehab coffee production and make a name for the Boyacá region and it’s going to take 100% of his time, energy, and resources to bring innovation to his community. In Colombia, a $100 goes a long way, and can help Ronaldo with his living expenses for the rest of the year, leaving him with one less thing to worry about as he transforms coffee farming in his country for the future.