

International Partners


bags of specialty coffee this time


coffee & gears given away

Multi-partner Event

We team up with the specialty coffee roasteries and business with Corporate Social Responsibilities.

Truly Global

This is a global event that everyone can participate in, no matter where you are, what language do you speak.

Doing Good together

We all can contribute to help the coffee community, donate your prize or exchange with others. You are more valuable than you think.

Coffee Connects

Share your favorite pour-over recipe, and let’s brew coffee together.

Coffee Community

Coffee is just a drink without the community, let’s connect in this difficult time. The #brewathome aims to help you find your sense of belonging. Meet new friends and have fun with us.

Win Big Time Prizes

18 partners, 18 times to win multiple prizes. The best prize is that we feel connected through #brewathome.

1. Join us

Giveaway & Zoom Party

This is an exciting giveaway with a big #brewathome zoom party. We will start this global giveaway on Oct 12, 2020, at 16:00 London Time (GMT+1), Brewathome zoom party on Sunday at 16:00 London Time. We will announce the winners after the zoom party. 

Download the Instagram post package below and let’s rock together.

2. How to participate

How to win


  1. Follow us and 4 other giveaway partners close to you;
  2. Tag 3 of your friends and invite them to the #brewathome community ;
  3. Answer a simple question: “Where did you drink the best drip coffee in your life?”, and let us know your geographic area (Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Russia, Middle East)

Example of successful entry

❝EUROPE @Bjohnson, @markjohnson, @victoria_smith,  the best drip coffee of my life was from @kissthehippo in London❞

How to maximize your winning chance?

You can enter the contest 4 times by commenting on the post. We have limited gifts with international shipping from lilydrip and kaffebox, make sure you follow these two great generous donors. The rest of the prizes are divided into regions, so always follow the giveaway donors close to you.

week42 2020 giveaway.jpg
brewathome giveaway coffeeconnects
3. Donate or Exchange

Doing good is easy

The purpose of the #brewathome campaign is to connect the global coffee community, especially in difficult times. You can donate your prize to a friend in need, exchange gifts with others, or claim the prize yourself. For example, if you win a CafeC Flower dripper, but already have one at home. You can donate it to a friend who doesn’t have a pour over dripper or exchange it with other lucky winners for coffee beans and other tools.

4.Meet the coffee community

Learn and Brew Coffee Together

Through the #brewathome campaign, we want to connect everyone in the coffee industry. especially in your local community. We will meet online and brew coffee together. Share and learn brewing tips, and enjoy tasty coffee together. 

This Sunday, Oct 18, 2020
4:00 PM London/8:00 AM San Francisco time
Join Zoom Party

Meeting ID: 824 5385 5615
More Info
brewing pourover method
5. Share your favorite pourover recipe

Sharing is Caring, right?

To contribute to the coffee community doesn’t always mean you have to make a donation, as mentioned above, you can donate your prize to help others. You can also share your recipe to help others brew better coffee at home. With better brewing recipes and knowledge, we can get the best out of coffee beans. Share your recipe with us, be a Hero and win big time. 


What if I sign up late as a Giveaway Partner?

Don’t worry, we will have more giveaway or similar events to have you involved. We will keep your information in the giveaway system, and will let you know more information later.

Sign up

How do you pick the winners?

In order to keep the fairness of the giveaway, we use and other 3rd party programs to pick the lucky winners.

Question about how we draw winners? Email us, we would like to hear your ideas.

Which countries do you ship prize to?

In order to minimize the international shipping delay our partner ship to local and neighboring countries.

Partners in the UK will ship to the UK & European countries;

Partners in the EU will ship to EU countries;

Partners from the US will ship to Canada and the US;

*Partners from Brazil and Colombia will ship to domestic countries;

Lilydrip and certain partners will ship to international destinations.

Disclaimer: As the organizer of the #breathome giveaways, I’M NOT A BARISTA, we do not ship any product to anyone or take any commission for any partner promoted.

I won a specialty coffee prize that don't ship to my country, what to do?

Congratulations, you are a lucky winner. If our partner can’t ship the prize to your country at this movement, we recommend you donate it to your friend in other countries (where our partner can ship to); or you can switch the gift with other lucky winners.

If I don't know anyone from other countries, whom I can donate to?

Talk to us

Don’t worry, we help you find your new friend in the community. Just DM us on Instagram.

Past #brewathome back-to-community events?

Top #coffeemoustache of 2020

December 9, 2020

#brewathome giveaway week43

October 9, 2020

#brewathome Coffee Giveaway W42

October 9, 2020

#Brewathome Gravitas Giveaway

September 27, 2020

Brewathome x Broken Gooseneck Giveaway

August 4, 2020

#flipthefilter challenge

July 2, 2020

1st #brewathome multipartner giveaway

April 16, 2020


This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Instagram. In this #brewathome community event, I’M NOT A BARISTA does not take any compensation or commission through promoting the partners in this giveaway.