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Now that we’ve shared about tipping practices and briefly introduced our project, here is a formal welcome to our official #TIPABARISTA campaign. The Tip A Barista campaign is simple: over the course of a year, we plan to give $100 to a different barista every week, using funds raised from our Brewing Guide sales and donations. Once we have sent the tip to the chosen applicant, we will share their Coffee Story on our social media platforms and website so you can see the direct impact of your donation.

It has not been an easy year for our coffee community: whilst some have had to endure seeing their favorite cafés closing and losing their jobs, others have found themselves living in socio-political turmoil in different countries around the globe. Despite these circumstances, we saw our baristas put themselves in vulnerable positions and go into work everyday just to satisfy our coffee cravings. 

We started this project as an attempt to reward baristas for their continued work during these difficult times. Now, we hope to grow this project into a larger statement about the importance of tipping and kindness. Your loose change can make a world of a difference, and it is when we come together that we are at our strongest. 

Hoping to get involved? 

  • If you are a patron or a fan of our products, you can help by sharing this post,
  • purchasing one of our Brewing Guides and coffee products on Indiegogo! All profits go towards #TIPABARISTA.
  • becoming a charity partner and do good with us, sign up here.