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S2E4: Meet Morgan Eckroth, your friendly internet barista

By May 2, 2022May 16th, 2023No Comments1 min read
portrait of Morgan Eckroth

In our latest episode, we had a chance to talk to Morgan Eckroth, the friendly internet baristathe newest 2022 US Barista Champion known by over 7 million combined followers as @morgandrinkscoffee on TikTokInstagram, and YouTube.

The barista competition represents an elevated version of what baristas do in their day-to-day work.

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“Competitions allow for a lot of innovation and attention to aspects of coffee that are up-and-coming, and by showing these exciting and expensive things on the stage, it opens them up to a wider audience. In the years following, we generally start to see more adoption of these things, so in that way, the barista stage is important because it’s the most high level of what we do,” Morgan says.