We hope you are well; sorry for the lack of updates recently. As you may know, we’re in China now for a few weeks and have visited a few key suppliers for the MOMENTEM grinder. In short, we love China, and this trip is extremely valuable and important.

MOMENTEM project update
If you remember our previous updates regarding the new bearing system, we CNCed a few samples and discovered this new system could not deliver as satisfactory results as expected. After hours of meetings with engineers in Shenzhen, we abandoned the thrust needle-bearing idea for the second burr set (the new bearings can’t deliver the precision we need ± 20μm). It also means that we will have to CNC more parts for testing, and we are sorry to inform you that we will have to postpone the shipping time 🙁
Considering all the time and effort invested in this project and the massive support from our backers, we must deliver a great product, so please be patient and allow us to make and test more parts for the best performance.
We do have some good news to share with you all:
- Some raw materials for the grinders have arrived, including aluminum parts, cranks, etc.
- The black ebony knobs look and feel amazing.
- We expect the golden sample of MOMENEM to be ready in about one month. If everything goes as well as expected, we will start mass production. The new estimated shipping time is July–September 2023.
- After checking with the designers and leather case producers, we will make minor updates. The new case will be 100% black; we will use black sliders, tape, and zipper teeth. The new leather case will be slightly shorter and wider to have more space for the grinder and accessories.
What else?
Many asked about the particle distribution; since we can’t afford those expensive laser machines, we may find a partner to test MOMENTEM’s performance. We are planning a short trip to visit a particle size analyzer company soon, and we will test the current version and the next version later. Stay tuned.
We are doing our best to deliver MOMENTEM at its best. For this purpose, we will work closely with our suppliers in the next three months and stay in China until all orders are shipped. We will build a small QC team to check all the grinders and package them ourselves, too. We know there will be massive work, but hard work always pays off. MOMENTEM will be in your hands very soon.
We apologize for the shipping delay, we thank you for your understanding, and we will keep you updated with more good news 🙂