My name is Sarit Eskinazi, and this is my coffee story.

Sarit Eskinazi
“I remember the smell of my mom’s Turkish coffee after every meal… I was begging them to try it. In Turkey, “women are supposed to make good Turkish coffee”. For sure I couldn’t, so my friends were making fun of me. My journey started at that point. Then the 3rd wave coffeeshops started to open in Istanbul, and the Istanbul Coffee Festival was a huge opportunity for me to learn more. When I realised there are SCA courses, I started to educate myself more about coffee.
I am a coffee lover and enthusiast, everything about coffee makes me excited.I participated two latte art competitions in Israel. It was breath-taking! I remember at first try I couldn’t even froth milk properly! The adrenaline, crowd cheering, and all the cameras pointing at you… When I found out that I came in 2nd place I had no words, just hugged my colleagues in tears.
In my free time, I love to dance, even alone at home and without music. At the coffee shop, I usually dance while making coffee. I love the mood that it spreads to others, people smile when they see me dancing.I always dreamt about being a traveling barista. I want to taste new coffees, see new (coffee) cultures, experience as much as I can. And one day, I want to compete at the World Coffee Championships.
Being a barista is not an easy or temporary job, it shouldn’t be underestimated. It requires hard work and dedication as much as any other job does.I am at the coffeeshop most of the time, even on my days off. It’s my second home. Come and say hi anytime! I will be more than glad!”
Edited by A.C.