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MOMENTEM Newsletter #3. More good news

By May 15, 2022May 19th, 2022No Comments2 min read

More good news

Hey everyone,

We’ve got another update for you! Thanks for following our progress as we bring the MOMENTEM grinder to life. You spoke. We listened. In our earlier survey, around 90% of you said you preferred black finishing over the silver version, so we are proud to present the MOMENTEM grinder in BOLD BLACK. We just finished testing the black oxide coating and we’re so happy with the results. Hope you like it too! 

MOMENTEM Grinder Bold Black

MOMENTEM Grinder Bold Black

After months of prototyping, we’ve finally gotten all the parts ready. But there’s still one more detail we need your input on: 

Do you prefer an aluminium knob handle or a wooden one? 

Our current prototype features an aluminium knob but we’re also exploring wooden ones with different wood grain colors and patterns. Let us know what you think!



We’re also developing a special treat exclusively for our Indiegogo backers: a limited-edition carrying case for your MOMENTEM grinder. Don’t miss out on this deal when MOMENTEM goes live on Indiegogo very soon.

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What’s next?

As MOMENTEM reaches the final stages of production prep, we’ll be working on our project video and Indiegogo crowdfunding page to get our project ready to launch. 

Our goal is to produce as many grinders as we can to lower the production costs and retail prices, making MOMENTEM as accessible to as many people as possible. If you’re a wholesaler or reseller in the coffee industry who’s interested in collaborating with us and the coffee community, send us a message or sign up here to be one of the first resellers or distributors of the MOMENTEM grinder in your area. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, share the news with your coffee friends, and help us bring this project to life on Indiegogo!

Until next time x