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Hard Beans Coffee Review

By November 10, 2020December 7th, 2020No Comments4 min read

Hard Beans Coffee Review

The original article was published by By Tzanetos Dalietos on Nov 10, 2020 at 

Hello everybody, it’s me Jan and we have one more coffee review!
This time we are reviewing a Costa Rican coffee from Hard Beans. Well, you might don’t know that, but I have a Huge love for Costa Rican coffees and I also have a strong relation with Esteban Villa Lobos Coralles who is the person behind the El Diamante and the Anaerobic coffees from his Origin who have shocked the world and the world coffee championships. Last year while I was sourcing coffees for my competition I had some special coffees from him ( Some Geisha’s and some red catuai’s ). His coffees made me change the way I think about his coffees ( We all know, the whole coffee world is divided regarding his cinnamon bomb coffees ).
I still remember a strawberry – cinnamon – vanilla geisha that I, unfortunately, didn’t compete with due to luck of Quantity!
Anyway’s, long story short, this coffee from Hard Beans really reminded me of Esteban’s coffees.
We’re talking about a coffee that comes to us from the Western Valley of Costa Rica and actually from the Village of Sarchi. Produced with attention to details from the Duran Family. And has these clear fruity and transparent flavour notes due to the Black Honey processing method. Coffee parchment remains with most of the pulp from the coffee cherries after it has been milled, and left to dry in raised beds under the sun.

The Duran brothers farm consists of different plots of land, each from two to three hectares. The area of El Roble stretches from 1300 m to 1650 m above sea level and many varieties grow there, such as Catuaí, Caturra, and other new hybrids such as H3 and H17. These hybrids can have both great production and taste results while being more resistant to disease or fungi.

Now these varieties which combine our coffee are H3 and H17 and I promise you you’re gonna be surprised by the taste of this amazing coffee !

This specific coffee came to my hands through Brew at Home campaign from I’M NOT A BARISTA , a Non-Profit Organisation which helps and promotes Barista’s in Need ! Also they promote coffee and the world coffee community. I have a strong relation with them since I am the first person they ever helped! You can check their article on this matter here : not just a barista

They also run Brew At Home Campaign #brewathome, which initially started when Covid-19 shook the world and their aim was to bring people and coffee professionals closer ! We all needed and still do need a cup of coffee during these hard times for everyone! I strongly suggest to anyone to visit I’m not a barista and check out their amazing work ! Also if you have a spare penny donate it to their cause! They are helping a lot! I’m telling you that First Hand!

Now back to Hard beans , My opinion is that they source amazing coffees and also respect their raw material! Roasting to perfection is hard, believe me. And they do manage to stand to the highest standards!
I do wish them to keep up the great work they’re doing and I would love to enjoy more coffees from them in the future!

Thank you guys for your attention and I hope you enjoy this video!

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