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Coffee Stories

Ahmet Talha Selçuk

By July 25, 2024July 30th, 2024No Comments6 min read

Nestled along the shore of Southern Turkey, where the land curls away from the rough brine of the Mediterranean Sea, lies Antalya. Amid the hustle and bustle of its fast-growing present and the not-yet-faded vestiges of its still-visible past, lingers an air of timeless beauty one cannot help but admire. 

Yet, from its well-worn streets—once strolled by Roman emperors and now appreciated by modern tourists—emerges a curious anachronism: Though the newly minted resort city is steeped in rich, fragrant history, its coffee culture is still brewing. While its unique, regional flavors are still being extracted, the process has been hastened through the collective passion of local baristas and roasters like Ahmet Talha Selçuk. 

Ahmet Talha Selçuk not a barista

Ahmet Talha Selçuk

Dawn resets the counter for Turkish barista and Istanbul native Ahmet Talha Selçuk (@talha.selcuk). Each new day offers the simultaneous promise of discipline and growth, enjoyment, and simple pleasures. 

With the Mediterranean Sea to his back and the knowledge of freshly brewed coffee ahead, Selçuk begins his morning in much the same way he does every day: By preparing first the shop, and then himself, to usher locals and tourists alike into the quiet joy of quality coffee and the cozy, shared spaces in which it is enjoyed.

“My favorite part of my daily work is opening the coffee shop and completing the opening checklist. After the shop is ready, the cup of coffee I pour for myself feels like the most precious meal of the day. If I can find time to enjoy it slowly, you won’t find anyone happier than me.”



A three-year practitioner of yoga and a lifelong student of the natural world, Selçuk is a devoted adherent to the rituals and daily practices that discipline both mind and body. Brewing coffee, like many things in his life, quickly developed beyond a simple habit, transforming instead into a deeply spiritual practice.

As Selçuk explains: “The aroma of good coffee from Istanbul was ever-present in our lives.” It would not be long, Selçuk adds, before that presence became too pressing to ignore, leading him to the first exultant experience with carefully brewed, high-quality coffee:

“My closest friend and I went to a newly opened third-wave coffee shop in Kadıköy, Istanbul. There, we each ordered a cup of coffee brewed from different beans, one with the AeroPress method and the other with Chemex. Until that day, coffee had always been quite bitter and strong for us, or it was just sweetened instant coffee. But when our order arrived, the cup I held showed me for the first time that coffee could be like fruit juice.”

The novel brewing methods, the unexpected, complex flavor, and the satisfaction of having finally captured the enticing fragrance that had captivated him for so long — everything came together into a singular, perfect experience. It was then that Selçuk discovered in himself the singular passion that he so admired in others:

“Throughout my life, I have always admired people who have pursued their work for years and have quietly crafted their own lives. For me, successful individuals are those who stay true to their own lives.”

Selçuk’s passion has carried him from coffee shop to coffee shop, continually learning and enhancing his craft. From a novice, still learning the ropes of the industry, to a seasoned roaster capable of enhancing the unique essence of every varietal that lands in his hands, Selçuk has grown alongside the Turkish coffee industry. 

As his familiarity with the industry has evolved, his passion and enthusiasm have not waned. Instead, they have been tempered, acquiring a stark sense of pragmatism that acknowledges the end note of hardship and exploitation that harshens every sip. 

“While coffee always emotionally uplifts me, its commercial aspect is filled with challenges. I cannot accept that coffee, being in the hands of private sector investors and driven by businesses aiming for high profits, does not provide any opportunity for its employees to develop themselves or improve their lives. How can a person who is unhappy and thoughtful serve a happy cup of coffee?”

Like many other young baristas tracing a new path for the industry, Selçuk sees his role through two lenses: that of the barista, ushering customers into the long tradition of specialty coffee, and that of the activist, seeking to better the lives of those working across the industry. “Specialty coffee is not just about good taste. It also embodies an ideology,” Selçuk explains. 

Here, too, Selçuk’s single-mindedness and carefully honed discipline serve him well. Intentional, driven, and passionate about not only the coffee industry but also its potential, he has achieved the success he once admired. More than that, he is earnestly dedicated to helping others cultivate the lives they dreamed of — and do so in a fair, equitable environment.

Turkey’s coffee culture is still extracting; its unique notes are still in flux. As it brews, it is sweetened by the earnest activism of baristas like Selçuk, who look beyond the industry as it is to envision it as it could be: 

“I carry an undying fire within me to fight for fair working conditions for farmers and workers in the coffee industry. I look forward to a world where this product is not only famous for trade but also known for providing fair opportunities, where the first producer and the final consumer can share the same quality of life. Coffee for everyone, a fair life for everyone.”

Dawn resets the counter for Selçuk. Each new day offers the promise of growth, of another step forward for the industry he loves so dearly and critiques so openly. 

Each morning, as he traces his familiar, well-worn path toward opening tasks and the first cup of the day, Selçuk contributes to the construction of a new history, moving ceaselessly forward in time with the heartbeat pulse of Analtya, its past, and its potential for the future. With him, he carries his passion and discipline, each step imbued with the quiet certainty of the Mediterranean Sea and the confidence that one day, the industry will also reach the shore.