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S2E3. Meet Justin Piercy, the coffee guy behind DaddyGotCoffee

By April 22, 2022May 16th, 2023No Comments2 min read

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In this episode, we talked to Justin Piercy, the creator behind the Instagram account DaddyGotCoffee.

Justin wants people to identify his Instagram page as somewhere you can be supported on your coffee journey, he wants to be a cheerleader in your life and to help you go through all the ups and downs through his funny coffee reel videos.

We talked about content creation, branding, and the importance of consistency if you want to run a growing social media. Justin isn’t a barista, according to Justin, in real life, he is a real geek who is very quiet and introverted, but he is also a learner who enjoys reading and researching.

Recently, Justin launched his new YouTube channel that aims to help coffee people produce solid coffee every time by simplifying complicated coffee theories because that is what he feels passionate about. Listen to this episode and get to know the Justin, the person behind DaddyGotCoffee

DaddyGotCoffee Youtube

DaddyGotCoffee Instagram

A big shout out to  Lilydrip for sponsoring this episode, Lilydrip is a magical small brewing gadget that works with all cone shape brewers, including Hario V60, Origami and Flower dripper. Lilydrip is a diamond shape add-on that can help you instantly increase extraction surface by 100% and ground height by 50%. It magically fixes problems such as coffee clustering as well as making your brews stable, easy, and fun. Follow Lilydrip on Instagram and purchase lilydrip now on Amazon.

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