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#brewathome party with Coffee Trader Belminas

By May 6, 2020May 16th, 2022No Comments1 min read

Do you know what coffee traders do?

As many know that coffee traders typically occupy the role of go-between link, between the farmer and the roaster, but do you know what else they do?
Many may question the importance of keeping the middleman in nowaday’s industry, coffee traders play a critical role in the coffee industry. Tomorrow, we will have Belminas coffee trader with us., and we will share some insightful information about coffee traders.

Guest: Alexandre
Specialty Coffee producer at the Mogiana, exporter, and roaster. Former BSCA board member and president.(2006)
Took role in the First steps of Brazilian Coffee towards the Specialty market.

Zoom Party info

Date: May 7, 2020
Time: 16:00 PM London Time
Zoom link: