Our goal is to spread the love for drinking coffee around the world, and to empower baristas – those we know by name and those we want to shine a light on.
A Gift from the Global Coffee Community
It’s easy to find cookbooks with a variety of recipes from chefs and experts to help you improve your cooking skills but there isn’t something similar for coffee. This brewing guide is exactly that – a collection of tested recipes for you to level up your coffee experience, from coffee champions, experts, and really good home brewers from around the world, because we believe anyone can brew and anyone deserves good coffee.

Coffee tastes better with music
Make music a part of your brewing experience – we asked recipe owners for their favorite brewing music, and we create this irresistible Spotify playlist to enhance your brewing routine. 48 music recommendation from 48 coffee lovers like you. It absolutely changes the way your coffee tastes! Each recipe comes with a specific song track to recreate the exact experience.
Celebrate Your Love for Coffee with This Community-powered Global Collaboration.
48 recipes
30 countries
27 baristas
19 champions
The cards are symbolic of our community’s effort to create a collaborative product. 30 countries, 27 languages, 110 recipe testers, 10 volunteers, and 10 student interns, and literally thousand of hours.