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Name one of your proudest title 😀

Please let us know what dripper this recipe suits best? Hario V60, Kalita wave...?

1= very fine 10=very course

e.g. 1:15, 1:17

Please specify the brewing time for each section in the next page

Please share the detailed brewing guide and tips of using your recipe

We want to help coffee lovers brew tasty coffee with ease, and your recipe can help the global coffee community connected. All profit generated from our project will be donated to help barista competitors with financial struggle.

We will have you listed on our ambassador league, and send you instruction on how we can work together to make a bigger impact to help the project and baristas in need.

To connect more people within the coffee community, your name and Instagram will be shown with your recipe together so that other coffee lovers who love your recipe can connect with you.

To make your brewing card more special, we need your handwriting signature. *You can write your signature on a piece of white paper, we can help with the rest. If you couldn't upload directly, you can also send it to email

We want to create a special playlist to match our brewing guide, to enhance the whole brewing experience. Please share your top 3 brewing songs/tracks with us. Format: Song name - by Artist, for example, Take Five - by The dave brubeck quartet

Thank you for your support. Humanity runs on coffee. We need your help with our latest coffee project.  1. Check the brewing guide card deck project here You can share your favorite recipes with us, and support this community project later on Kickstarter. Sign up here as a supporter and receive the latest project updates. If you have any questions, please contact us Thank you very much.
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Name one of your proudest title 😀

Please let us know what dripper this recipe suits best? Hario V60, Kalita wave...?

1= very fine 10=very course

e.g. 1:15, 1:17

Please specify the brewing time for each section in the next page

Please share the detailed brewing guide and tips of using your recipe

We want to help coffee lovers brew tasty coffee with ease, and your recipe can help the global coffee community connected. All profit generated from our project will be donated to help barista competitors with financial struggle.

We will have you listed on our ambassador league, and send you instruction on how we can work together to make a bigger impact to help the project and baristas in need.

To connect more people within the coffee community, your name and Instagram will be shown with your recipe together so that other coffee lovers who love your recipe can connect with you.

To make your brewing card more special, we need your handwriting signature. *You can write your signature on a piece of white paper, we can help with the rest. If you couldn't upload directly, you can also send it to email

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Здесь Вы можете поделиться Вашими успехами 😀

Please let us know what dripper this recipe suits best? Hario V60, Kalita wave...?

1= мелкие частички 10=частицы крупного размера

Например: 1:15, 1:17

Пожалуйста, уточните длительность каждого этапа заваривания на следующей странице

Пожалуйста, поделитесь своим рецептом и советами по его завариванию

Мы хотим помочь любителям кофе готовить его вкусно и быстро. Ваш рецепт внесет свой вклад в развитие кофейного сообщества! Все вырученные средства пойдут на помощь бариста, находящимся в трудной финансовой ситуации.

Мы включим Вас в список амбассадоров проекта и пошлем Вам инструкцию с информацией о том, как мы можем вместе сделать этот проект успешным и помочь бариста.

Ваше имя и название аккаунта в Инстаграм будут указаны вместе с Вашим рецептом — так люди, которым понравится Ваш рецепт, смогут с Вами связаться.

Чтобы сделать Ваш рецепт заваривания уникальным, нам необходима Ваша подпись. * Вы можете оставить свою подпись на белой бумаге, затем сфотографировать/отсканировать и прикрепить её как изображение. Об остальном мы позаботимся. Если у Вас не получается прикрепить изображение, Вы можете отправить его нам на почту:

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En gurur duydugunuz ünvaniniz 😀

Please let us know what dripper this recipe suits best? Hario V60, Kalita wave...?

1= ekstra ince 10=ekstra iri

Ornek- 1:15, 1:17

Lütfen bir sonraki sayfadaki her bölüm icin demleme suresini belirtiniz

Lutfen detayli bir sekilde kahve demleme yonteminizi anlatiniz! Gizli ipuclarinizi da eklmeyi unutmayin 🙂

We want to help coffee lovers brew tasty coffee with ease, and your recipe can help the global coffee community connected. All profit generated from our project will be donated to help barista competitors with financial struggle.

We will have you listed on our ambassador league, and send you instruction on how we can work together to make a bigger impact to help the project and baristas in need.

To connect more people within the coffee community, your name and Instagram will be shown with your recipe together so that other coffee lovers who love your recipe can connect with you.

Demleme kartınızı daha özel kılmak için el yazısı imzanıza ihtiyacımız var. * İmzanızı bir beyaz kağıda yazabilirsiniz, gerisine yardımcı olabiliriz. Doğrudan buraya yükleyemiyorsanız, adresine e-posta ile de gönderebilirsiniz, biz sizin icin yükleriz.