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I’M NOT A BARISTA Brewing Guide

By September 14, 2021No Comments6 min read

The original article was published on Exploring Coffee on Sep 14, 2021

I’M NOT A BARISTA is a non profit organisation that are doing incredible things in the Coffee Community. We will be looking at their Brewing Card Guide, 48 recipes for different brew methods from Baristas, coffee Competitors and Coffee lovers all over the world. Let’s take a look at it and talk more about the fantastic work these guys are doing.

What is This Brewing Card Guide you talk about?!

The I’M NOT A BARISTA Brewing Guide is a set of coffee recipe cards from 48 coffee lovers, Baristas, and Competitors from all over the world. The cards are split into brew methods – Moka Pot, V60, French Press, and Aeropress. Simply Choose your brew method, select a card, and get brewing! The cards walk you through the recipe step by step, covering grind size, water temperature, amount of coffee and what type of coffee is best suited to the recipe. Each recipe has been chosen carefully and tested out in order to be selected, so rest assured you’ll have a great brew!

The Brewing Guide was created with a whole lot of love and meaning. It was created in order to help fund Baristas and Coffee Competitors goals and help them along their journey of coffee and shine a light on the talented individuals out there! I’M NOT A BARISTA is a non – profit organisation, set up to give back to the coffee community. It started out on Kickstarter, and the project was funded in just 12 hours! Great job guys!

It’s a project I am very proud to be a part of, having my recipe featured is amazing and knowing I am contributing to giving back, makes it extra special.

I'M NOT A BARISTA brewing guide review article by Kiki H.

I’M NOT A BARISTA brewing guide review article by Kiki H.

Let’s Talk More About I’M NOT A BARISTA

As I mentioned above, I’M NOT A BARISTA is a non-profit organisation, who set out to give back to the coffee community financially and help people through the through times of the Pandemic.

They want to gain recognition for the Coffee professionals and Baristas of the industry who are dedicated, work hard and love their craft. They also wanted to connect the global coffee community to bring us all together to bring some comfort and peace in what has been for many, a very lonely and challenging time.

They have projects including:

  • BrewatHome – Coffee tutorials, home brewing tips, and online coffee events

  • Brew Card Deck – 48 Recipes from worldwide coffee lovers in a card deck

  • Tip A Barista – 48 Baristas will receive a $100 tip, sharing their story, to help them through a tough time

These are all fantastic projects and it’s rewarding to see how purchasing one of their products can support people in the Coffee Industry worldwide.

Features of The Brewing Guide

So, as we touched upon earlier, the brewing guide is a set of 48 recipes from Coffee lovers all over the world, covering Aeropress, V60, Moka Pot and French Press.

At the bottom of each recipe card, you’ll find a QR code. Scan it, and it’ll take you to the recipe owners profile where you can find out about them and what they do, and a link to their Instagram so you can give them a follow! A great little feature to really get to know the people behind the recipes!

On the cards you will also see a song – this was chosen by the recipe owner as a song they love to brew to and break out in song and dance. Each set of brew methods are separated buy little sleeves with an illustration of the brew device, and the recipe owners in that section.

You’ll also find a little tip card in there, to help with getting the grind size right, and a blank recipe card for you to write your own card to add into the set! A very well thought out guide!

The cards are water resistant and quality materials have been used in manufacturing. They come in a little magnetic close box with a UV coating, and even the writing on the box is embossed. It’s little touches like this that really make the product feel super special.

If you have the set, head to the Aeropress section and you will find my recipe! I was so excited to find my recipe had been selected! It’s great to be a part of this project, and the work they are continuing to do. I would love to hear from you if you’ve tried any recipes and if you love the product as much as I do!

Be A Part Of This Awesome Project!

The work that the I’M NOT A BARISTA team are doing is outstanding, and a truly beautiful product has come out of it! Uniting coffee lovers and professionals and sharing the love and passion for Coffee is heart-warming. It’s really doing great at providing value to Baristas and Competitors hard work and dedication, as well as giving home coffee brewers a well-deserved chance to shine.

Check out their Instagram here for Barista stories and to keep up to date with their hard work. Check out their website here to purchase the Brew Guide and various other great products. Have a look and see how your purchase or donation could help the Coffee Community.

About the author

I’m Kiki, it’s great to have you here. You may know me from Instagram and YouTube (Exploringtheworldofcoffee). I have been making coffee for 7 years in Cafes and speciality Coffee Shops. Instagram and YouTube is a fun hobby for me to get to interact with the world!

Coffee has been an interesting learning journey for me. I was an Art Foundation student with no idea at all of where I was heading, but I found my home in Coffee and have stuck with it ever since. There’s always something new to learn, great opportunities, and awesome people to meet.

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