Pacamara coffee lab🇮🇹

Pacamara is a #brweathome campaign partner, started by 2 dreamers who are passionate about a product, who wanted to take part in the evolution towards a more fair and sustainable industry as well as sharing their passion with everyone around them.

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is a coffee variety, hybrid of PACAS and MARAGOGYPE

Besides being identifiable by its abnormally big size it’s also notable for its outstanding flavour characteristics.

It is the perfect example of the evolution of the coffee industry in the last decade. From being a commodity product surrounded by secrecy and mysticism with consumers and baristas not really knowing what happens earlier on in the supply chain, coffee producing is now on the way of transparency, collaboration, fairness and quality focus to a point where we understand botanical varieties as well as processing, roasting and brewing.

Santa Ana


Country: Colombia
Location: Santa Rita, Aipe, Huila
Processing: Washed
Farm/Washing station: Various smallholder farmers, Huila (ASOPCAFA)
Altitude: 1,500 to 1,980 masl
Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Catuai, Typica
Coffee Certified Organic

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Santa Ana

El Salvador

Country: El Salvador
Location: Santa Ana, Ilamatepec
Processing: Washed
Farm/Washing station: Ayutepeque
Altitude: 1000-1550 masl
Variety: Pacamara


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Santa Ana

Coffee Lab T-Shirt

Black T-shirt 100% cotton.
The “Coffee Plant” t-shirt is our original design with the botanical representation of the coffee tree in the front and our logo on the sleeve.
The “Speciality” design is a limited edition with a logo on the chest & sleeve and the quote “Speciality is the New Black” on the back.

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Via poggio bracciolini 4
52025 Montevarchi, Arezzo, Italy

+39 328 800 4316
+39 327 906 8092
