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Travel with wristbands

Travel with Coffee Wristbands 2023

Coffee Wristbands is a charity program that connects the coffee community all around the world. Just as a wristband has no beginning or end, one donation encourages another, which inspires another, and the cycle goes on. In 2023, our aim is higher, and we want to connect more coffee lovers in real life. If you have travel plans this year, visit coffee events, this is a game that you’ll enjoy.
You are ready to explore the world with coffee wristbands. Remember, you will meet many new people along your journey, and many of them will become your friends, share what you love, enjoy what you do, and help those in need. The world is more beautiful with you. We can't wait to see your photos and videos.
If you want to apply for free wristbands for your trip /visiting events, you must:
  1. Promote I'M NOT A BARISTA and our coffee community.
  2. Take photos/videos to record your journey and share them on your social media, don't forget to tag us.
Giving away free wristbands means that we will have fewer funds to help coffee people in need. We are using our profit to support your journey, and we hope you can help the coffee community by spreading your love for coffee and coffee people.   
Thank you for applying for travel with coffee wristbands, and we welcome you to our community of wristband angels who help us raise funds for helping the coffee community in need. We believe everyone matters, baristas matter, roasters matter, farmers matter, and you matter.

We will evaluate your application as soon as we can, and we will email you our decision. If your application for a free wristband isn’t granted, you can buy them on our website here

Or you can visit one of our coffee wristbands partners:




Please use the link below to check the latest wristband partner map
Remember to share your photos and videos of wristbands, and don't forget to tag us as well. We thank you for being an extraordinary wristband angel sharing love for coffee and coffee people.
We will process your application asap. If you have any questions, please send emails to, or DM us on Instagram.
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mid shot woman with hat camera DxO

Travel with wristbands

2023 戴着手环去旅行

慈善咖啡手环是I'M NOT A BARISTA的一个新的慈善项目,目的是联系全世界的咖啡社区。我们的慈善事业是通过建立人与人之间的联系,就像圆形的手环无限循环下去!在2023年,我们希望可以做的更好,联系咖啡社区中的更多人。如果你今年有旅行的计划,或者去看展,你一定会喜欢 “戴着手环去旅行”!

请包括你的旅行计划时间和地点,例如 5月20-30 天津 参加咖啡节 6月5 到香格里拉 7月 去泰国

看来你已经准备好了,那就马上开始吧!记住,在这个旅途中,你将认识各样的陌生人,有些会成为你的朋友。分享你的热情,享受你的旅程, 帮助你可以帮助的人。这个世界会因为你的热情而变得更美好。不要忘记记录你的手环旅行,拍照,打开,拍视频告诉我们你在哪里!
  1. 你需要帮助I'M NOT A BARISTA来宣传我们的慈善事业
  2. 你需要在旅途中用照片和视频的形式来记录你的手环旅程,戴着慈善手环去世界各地打卡并记录每一个美好的瞬间。记得小红书或者其他媒体上标记我们!
  3. 通过申请后,我们会使用顺丰快递到付将手环发给你,感谢理解!
免费赠送慈善手环意味着我们会有更少的款项来帮助其他需要帮助的咖啡人。我们希望支持你的旅行,但是我们需要你100%的热情来传播我们的慈善咖啡事业,介绍I'M NOT A BARISTA 并邀请更多的咖啡人加入我们的咖啡社区。
感谢申请加入我们的 “2023戴着手环去旅行” 慈善计划,并成为我们的慈善手环天使,认识旅途中的咖啡朋友,帮助有难的咖啡人。

你可以直接在官网自行购买手环参加我们的 “2023戴着手环去旅行” ,或者在我们的小红书商店购买!




We will process your application asap. If you have any questions, please send emails to, or DM us on Instagram.