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We are excited to announce an opportunity for you to collaborate with us on our newest initiative launching in 2021,the BREWING GUIDE Card Deck Project. As an extension of our #brewathome campaign on Kickstarter, an innovative way for home brewers, baristas, and businesses to collaborate and help our coffee community.

Become a Recipe TesterShare My Recipes
young girl holding a card 2 scaled

Why the Brewing Guide?

Our decision to create tangible handheld cards as opposed to a virtual brewing guide was highly intentional. Today we live in a world dominated by online resources and sometimes it can be hard to switch off. Despite so many human connections being fostered online, we felt that we could bring this social element to a paper product. Hence, we went back to basics and designed our product to be independent of technology so you can utilise its functionality on a day when you might not want to be scrolling through your phone. Our product eliminates the endless searching and makes brewing a perfect cup more simple than ever.

Mutiple Brewing methods

You can master the most popular brewing methods: AeroPress, Pourover, French Press, and Moka, and more…

Pick and brew

A no hassle way to brew speciality coffee, just pick and card and go.

People behind the Cards

People behind the cards: meet the 48 baristas behind your cards- let’s get connected.

Less is more

Save time by utilising this simple method available at your fingertips.

Join our movement

Together we can work simultaneously to both generate from and give back to the community.

Learn and grow

Expand your own knowledge by mastering something new.


Humanity runs on coffee

Our aim is twofold: empower baristas and spread the love for drinking coffee around the world. We wanted to create a product which takes the hassle out of brewing homemade coffee. Endlessly scrolling on our phones for new methods can be exhausting, hence our project provides a seamless method for accessing unique ways to create coffee at home. Connection is key for the coffee community and our product unites baristas, businesses and coffee lovers. All net profit will be fed back into the community. This product is made by the coffee community and simultaneously seeks to serve that community.

brewing card pourover josef mott
Cartas de la guía de elaboración
A recipe blongs to you
Share your brewing tips
Customized card just for you
Scancode to your online proflile
Why you should get invovled?

Maximize your coffee brewing experience

If you are looking for a wider platform through which to share your passion for coffee, then this is for you. You will have

  • A personalised brewing card with all the info listed on the image,
  • A special page on our website about you, your coffee, and much more.
  • You will be listed as a coffee ambassador of I’M NOT A BARISTA.
  • We will invite you for a Podcast to talk about coffee.
  • A featured article on our website and social media

Through your card and website page, you can promote your individual passion for coffee and create links with like-minded people. All we require is a recipe, a photo, a signature, and a willingness to promote our project via social media with hundreds of others.

How to get invovled?

Be part of our team

Be part of the movement! Simply share your faovirte recipes, we will take care of the rest. Sharing is Caring, let's help others brew better coffee. If you are crazy about coffee and want to help more, sign up as a Recipe Tester and help us find the best recipes.

Become a Recipe Tester
coffee community group faces

Join us

We hope that you are as excited about this project as we are. As always, we hope to connect coffee enthusiasts from across the world and empower baristas and home brewers alike. If you want to support us and our project, you can also make a donation directly to our “Never Give Up Jug” to help baristas. 

Donate 2 SupportVolunteer to help

January 2021

We collect, review, and design the brewing recipes and cards.

February 2021

Launch on Kickstarter, let's promote this awesome project together.

March 2021

Shipping BREWING GUIDE to our backers.

Share your recipe now

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Name one of your proudest title 😀

Please let us know what dripper this recipe suits best? Hario V60, Kalita wave...?

1= very fine 10=very course

e.g. 1:15, 1:17

Please specify the brewing time for each section in the next page

Please share the detailed brewing guide and tips of using your recipe

We want to help coffee lovers brew tasty coffee with ease, and your recipe can help the global coffee community connected. All profit generated from our project will be donated to help barista competitors with financial struggle.

We will have you listed on our ambassador league, and send you instruction on how we can work together to make a bigger impact to help the project and baristas in need.

To connect more people within the coffee community, your name and Instagram will be shown with your recipe together so that other coffee lovers who love your recipe can connect with you.

To make your brewing card more special, we need your handwriting signature. *You can write your signature on a piece of white paper, we can help with the rest. If you couldn't upload directly, you can also send it to email