Must read
- Not only will we send you the tote bag you design, but we will also promote you as the artist behind this meaningful product.
- You will receive full credit for the design you submit to us, and we will include a small booklet about you and your design with each tote bag.
- Additionally, we are offering to feature you in an article on our website and social media, and you are also welcome to join us on our Podcast to share your coffee story with our listeners.
- By submitting your design, we assume that you are giving us the permission to use it for our charity project.
- It is important to note that there is no financial compensation or reward being offered for this opportunity.
- All proceeds generated from the sale of the tote bags will be used to support those within the coffee community who are in need.
How to submit your design?
- To participate in the first round evaluation, please send your design in either PNG or JPG format to info@notabarista.org before July 31st.
In your submission, you must include information about your design inspiration, a self-introduction, and any additional information you wish to share with us.
Thank you for your interest in donating your time and creativity to this project. We look forward to receiving your submission.
Tote bag specs
- Made of canvas on the inside
- DuPont Tyvek paper on the outside (water-resistant)
- Size: 40x40cm
Your design tasks
- Design size: 40cm x 40cm, bleed of 2cm
- Designs should be in black and white only and should be coffee-related, incorporating your cultural identity and coffee culture.
- Please avoid promoting any specific coffee product or brand.
- You may sign your design with your name or signature.
July 31st, 2023
Are you ready?
Submit your design idea today!